Bibliography: Crafts and Manufacturing

Last updated: Saturday, March 9th 2024, 21:17

Flohr, M. (2019). ‘Artisans and Markets: the Economics of Roman Domestic Decoration’. AJA 123.1: 101–125.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2018). The Roman Retail Revolution. The Socio-Economic World of the Taberna. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lytle, E. (2018). A Cultural History of Work in Antiquity. London: Bloomsbury.
Flohr, M. (2017). ‘Beyond smell. The sensory landscape of the Roman fullonica’, in E.M. Betts (ed.), Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. London: Routledge.
Flohr, M. (2017). ‘Constructing Occupational Identities in the Roman World’, in K. Verboven and C. Laes (eds), Work, labour and professions in the Roman World. Leiden: Brill, 147–172.
Hawkins, C. (2017). ‘Artisans, Retailers, and Credit Transactions in the Roman World’. JAH 5.1: 66–92.
Holleran, C. (2017). ‘Finding commerce: the taberna and the identification of Roman commercial space’. PBSR 85: 143–170.
Liu, J. (2017). ‘Roman craftsmen and traders: strategies, networks, and spatial distributions in urban contexts’. Review of Wilson, A.; Flohr, M., 'Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World'. JRA 30, 676–681.
Monteix, N. (2017). ‘Urban Production and the Pompeian Economy’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 209–241.
Arnaoutoglou, I. (2016). ‘Hierapolis and its professional associations. A comparative analysis’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 278–298.
Bond, S.E. (2016). Trade and Taboo: Disreputable Professions in the Roman Mediterranean. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Dross-Krüpe, K. (2016). ‘Spatial concentration and dispersal of Roman textile crafts’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 334–351.
Flohr, M. and A. Wilson (2016). ‘Roman Craftsmen and Traders. Towards an Intellectual History’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 23–54.
Flohr, M. and A. Wilson (2016). ‘Introduction’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–19.
Freu, C. (2016). ‘Disciplina, patrocinium, nomen: the benefits of apprenticeship in the Roman World’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 183–199.
Goodman, P. (2016). ‘Working together: clusters of artisans in the Roman city’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 301–333.
Hawkins, C. (2016). Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lang, O. (2016). ‘Industry and commerce in the city of Aquincum’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 352–376.
Larsson Lovén, L. (2016). ‘Women, trade and production in the urban centres of Roman Italy’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 200–221.
Monteix, N. (2016). ‘Contextualizing the operational sequence: Pompeian bakeries as a case-study’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153–179.
Poblome, J. (2016). ‘The potters of ancient Sagalassos revisited’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 377–404.
Tran, N. (2016). ‘The social organization of commerce and crafts in ancient Arles: heterogeneity, hierarchy and patronage’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 254–277.
Van Driel-Murray, C. (2016). ‘Fashionable footwear: craftsmen and consumers in the North-West provinces of the Roman empire’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 132–152.
Verboven, K. and C. Laes (2016). Work, labour and professions in the Roman World. Impact of Empire 23. Leiden: Brill.
Wilson, A. and M. Flohr (2016). Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Broekaert, W. and A. Zuiderhoek (2013). ‘Industries and Services’, in P.P.M. Erdkamp (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 317–335.
Flohr, M. (2013). The World of the Fullo. Work, Economy and Society in Roman Italy. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hawkins, C. (2013). ‘Labour and Employment’, in P.P.M. Erdkamp (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 336–351.
Liu, J. (2013). ‘Professional Associations’, in P.P.M. Erdkamp (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 352–368.
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Esposito, A. and G. Sanidas (2012). Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Esposito, A. and G. Sanidas (2012). ‘La question des regroupements des activités économiques et le concept de 'quartier d'artisans': quelle approche?’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 11–21.
Flohr, M. (2012). ‘Leather, Leatherworking’, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champlin and S. Huebner (eds), Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell.
Flohr, M. (2012). ‘Working and living under one roof: workshops in Pompeian atrium houses’, in A. Anguissola (ed.), Privata Luxuria: Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy. Munich: Utz, 51–72.
Hawkins, C. (2012). ‘Manufacturing’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy. n/a Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 175–194.
Hellmann, M.-Chr. (2012). ‘Quartiers ou rues? La notion de quartier économique spécialisé dans le monde grec: comparaison des données textuelles et archéologiques’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 23–37.
Huguenot, C. (2012). ‘Production et commerce dans la cité hellénistique d'Érétrie’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 175–199.
Mazarakis Ainian, A. (2012). ‘Des quartiers spécialisés d'artisans à l'époque géométrique?’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 125–154.
Meirano, V. (2012). ‘Productions et espaces artisanqux à Locres Épizéphyrienne’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 257–279.
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Monteix, N. (2012). ‘'Caius Lucretius [...], marchand de couleurs de la rue des fabricants de courroies'. Réflexions critiques sur les concentrations de métiers à Rome’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 333–352.
Saliou, C. (2012). ‘Artisanats et espace urbain dans le monde romain: droit et projects urbains (1er siècle av. J.-C. - VIe siècle ap. J.-C.)’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 39–53.
Sanchez, C., M.-P. Jézégou and G. Pagès (2012). ‘Entre littoral et arrière-pays, l'organisation des activités artisanales: le cas de Narbonne antique’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 373–386.
Stissi, V. (2012). ‘Giving the kerameikos a context: ancient Greek potters' quarters as part of the polis space, economy and society’, in A. Esposito and G. Sanidas (eds), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 201–230.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Exploring the limits of skilled craftsmanship: the fullonicae of Roman Italy’, in N. Monteix and N. Tran (eds), Les Savoirs Professionels des gens de métier Romains. études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l'empire romain. n/a Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, 87–100.
Freu, C. (2011). ‘Apprendre et exercer un métier dans l'Egypte romaine’, in N. Monteix and N. Tran (eds), Les Savoirs Professionels des gens de métier Romains. études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l'empire romain. n/a Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, 27–40.
Monteix, N. and N. Tran (2011). Les Savoirs Professionels des gens de métier Romains. études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l'empire romain. Rome: Ecole Française de Rome.
Poehler, E., M. Flohr and K. Cole (2011). Pompeii: Art, Industry, Infrastructure. Oxford: Oxbow.
Monteix, N. (2010). Les lieux de métier : boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum. Collection du centre Jean Bérard 34. Rome: École Française de Rome.
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