Bibliography: Pompeii

Last updated: Tuesday, October 8th 2024, 13:01

Hanson, J.W. (2024). ‘Scaling in Pompeii: Preliminary Evidence for the Occurrence of Scaling Phenomena Within an Ancient Built Environment’. JAMT 31: 448–472.
Beckmann, S. (2023). ‘The Naked Reader: Child Enslavement in the Villa of the Mysteries Fresco’. AJA 127.1: 55–83.
Simelius, S. (2023). ‘Unequal housing in Pompeii: using house size to measure inequality’. World Arch 54: 602–624.
Hielscher, A. (2022). Instrumenta domestica aus Pompeji und ihr design. Eine Untersuchung zur decorativen Gestaltung der Kleinfunde aus Insula I 10. Decor 4. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Anguissola, A. (2020). ‘The domus e villa. Spazio e società nelle abitazioni lungo le mura di Pompeii’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 115–146.
Berg, R (2020). ‘Locating the use and storage of female toiletry items in Pompeian houses’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 193–218.
Broekaert, W. (2020). ‘The Pompeian Connection: A Social Network Approach to Elites and Sub-Elites in the Bay of Naples’. JHNR 4: 156–224.
Coralini, A. (2020). ‘Lucrum facere? Strategie d'uso degli spazi domestici nell'ultima Pompei’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 53–86.
D'Auria, D. (2020). Rileggere Pompei VI. Ricerche nella casa del Granduca Michele (VI,5,5-6/21) e sulle abitazioni di livello medio in età sannitica. Studi e ricerche del Parco archeologico di Pompei 41. Rome: LErma di Bretschneider.
Haug, A. (2020). Decor-Räume in pompejanischen Stadthäusern. Ausstattungsstrategien und Rezeptionsformen. Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy (Decor) 1. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Lohmann, P. (2020). ‘Where are the women? Approaching domestic space through graffiti’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 219–236.
Zanella, S. (2020). ‘L'archéologie des espaces domestiques à Pompéi: un point sur la question’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 21–52.
Flohr, M. (2019). ‘Prosperity, investment, and the history of Pompeii's urban economy’, in M. Maiuro and M. Balbo (eds), Popolazione, risorse e urbanizzazione nella Campania Antica. Dall'età preromana alla Tarda Antichità. Bari: Edipuglia, 75–90.
Anderson, M. and D. Robinson (2018). House of the Surgeon, Pompeii: Excavations in the Casa del Chirurgo (VI 1, 9-10.23). Oxford: Oxbow.
Flohr, M. (2018). Database of Pompeian Houses. Leiden: Miko Flohr.
Germinario, C., I. Francesco, M. Mercurio, A. Langella, D. Sali, I. Kakoulli, A. De Bonis and C. Grifa (2018). ‘Multi-analytical and non-invasive characterization of the polychromy of wall paintings at the Domus of Octavius Quartio in Pompeii’. EPJP 133: 359–0.
Ball, L.F. and J. Dobbins (2017). ‘Pompeii Forum Project: Excavation and Urbanistic Reappraisals of the Sanctuary of Apollo, Basilica, and Via della Fortuna Neighborhood’. AJA 121.3: 467–503.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2017). ‘Reevaluating Pompeii's Coin-Finds: Monetary transactions and urban rubbish in the retail economy of an ancient city’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 291–335.
Flohr, M. (2017). ‘Quantifying Pompeii: Population, Inequality and the Urban Economy’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 53–84.
Flohr, M. and A. Wilson (2017). ‘Introduction: Investigating an Urban Economy’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–19.
Flohr, M. and A. Wilson (2017). The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Griffiths, D. (2017). ‘Household Consumption of Artificial Light at Pompeii’, in C. Papadopoulos and H. Moyes (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press .
Monteix, N. (2017). ‘Urban Production and the Pompeian Economy’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 209–241.
Pesando, F. and M. Giglio (2017). Rileggere Pompei V. L'insula 7 della Regio IX. Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 35. Rome: LErma di Bretschneider.
Robinson, D. (2017). ‘Wealthy entrepreneurs and the urban economy: insula VI 1 in its wider economic contexts’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 243–262.
Rowan, E. (2017). ‘Sewers, Archaeobotany, and Diet at Pompeii and Herculaneum’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 111–134.
Zaccaria Ruggiu, A. and C. Maratini (2017). Rileggere Pompei IV. L'insula 7 della Regio VI. Studi e ricerche del Parco Archeologico di Pompei 35. Rome: LErma di Bretschneider.
Flohr, M. (2016). ‘Pompeii in perspectief’. Leidschrift 31.1: 41–60.
Monteix, N. (2016). ‘Contextualizing the operational sequence: Pompeian bakeries as a case-study’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153–179.
Anderson, M. (2015). ‘Public buildings and private opportunities: some dynamics in Pompeii's urban development’. JRA 28: 71–95.
Moormann, E. (2015). Pompeii's Ashes: The Reception of the Cities Buried by Vesuvius in Literature, Music, and Drama. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Pesando, F. (2015). ‘Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum, ovvero l'esperimento dell'oligarchia’. MEFRA 127.2.
Laidlaw, A. and M. Stella (2014). The House of Sallust in Pompeii. n/a. Porthsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Monteix, N., S. Aho, A. Coutelas and S. Zanella (2014). ‘Pompéi, Pistrina Recherches sur les boulangeries de l'Italie romaine - Rapport général’. CEFR.
Ball, L.F. and J. Dobbins (2013). ‘Pompeii Forum Project: Current Thinking on the Pompeii Forum’. AJA 117.3: 461–492.
Dessales, H. (2013). Le partage de l'eau. Fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l'habitat urbain de l'Italie romaine. Rome: École française de Rome.
Flohr, M. (2013). The World of the Fullo. Work, Economy and Society in Roman Italy. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Flohr, M. (2013). ‘The Textile Economy of Pompeii’. JRA 26: 53–78.
Flohr, M. (2013). ‘Ulula, quinquatrus and the occupational identity of fullones in early imperial Italy’, in M. Gleba and J. Pasztokai-Szeöke (eds), Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities. Oxford: Oxbow, 192–207.
Monteix, N. (2013). ‘The apple of discord: fleece-washing in Pompeii's textile economy’. JRA 26: 79–88.
Monteix, N. (2013). ‘Espace commercial et puissance publique à Pompéi’, in A. Dardenay and E. Rosso (eds), Dialogues entre sphère publique et sphère privée dans l'espace de la cité romaine. Vecteurs, acteurs, significations. Paris: De Boccard, 161–184.
Flohr, M. (2012). ‘Working and living under one roof: workshops in Pompeian atrium houses’, in A. Anguissola (ed.), Privata Luxuria: Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy. Munich: Utz, 51–72.
Monteix, N., S. Aho, L. Garnier, C. Hartz, É. Letelier and S. Zanella (2012). ‘Pompéi, Pistrina Recherches sur les boulangeries de l'Italie romaine’. CEFR.
Neudecker, R. (2012). ‘'Felix et tu'. Bilder aus Kneipen und Lokalen in Pompeji’, in F. De Angelis, J.-A. Dickmann, F. Pirson and R. von den Hoff (eds), Kunst von unten? Stil und Gesellschaft in der antiken Welt von der 'arte plebea' bis heute. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 93–108.
Torelli, M. (2012). ‘'Arte plebea'. Una verifica nella pittura pompeiana’, in F. De Angelis, J.-A. Dickmann, F. Pirson and R. von den Hoff (eds), Kunst von unten? Stil und Gesellschaft in der antiken Welt von der 'arte plebea' bis heute. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 61–76.
Dickmann, J.-A. (2011). ‘Space and Social Relations in the Roman West’, in B. Rawson (ed.), A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 53–72.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). The Making of Pompeii: Studies in the history and urban development of an ancient town. Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). ‘The rise and reorganization of the Pompeian salted fish industry’, in S.J.R. Ellis (ed.), The Making of Pompeii: Studies in the history and urban development of an ancient town. Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 59–88.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). ‘Pes Dexter. Superstition and the State in the Shaping of Shopfronts and Street Activity in the Roman World’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 160–173.
Ellis, S.J.R., A. Emmerson, A. Pavlick and K. Dicus (2011). ‘The 2010 field season at I.1.1-10, Pompeii: preliminary report on the excavations’. FOLD&R 220.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Consumption, not Production. Understanding the fullonicae of Pompeii’, in C. Alfaro, J.-P. Brun, R. Pierobon Benoit and Ph. Borgard (eds), Textiles y tintes en la ciudad antigua : actas del III Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo antiguo (Nápoles, 13 al 15 de noviembre, 2008). n/a Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 209–215.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Reconsidering the Atrium House. Domestic Fullonicae at Pompeii’, in E. Poehler, M. Flohr and K. Cole (eds), Pompeii: Art, Industry, Infrastructure. Oxford: Oxbow, 88–102.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Exploring the limits of skilled craftsmanship: the fullonicae of Roman Italy’, in N. Monteix and N. Tran (eds), Les Savoirs Professionels des gens de métier Romains. études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l'empire romain. n/a Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, 87–100.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Tabernae, economische groei en stedelijke ontwikkeling in republikeins Pompeii’. TMA 46: 34–41.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Cleaning the Laundries III. Report of the 2008 campaign’. FOLD&R 214: 1–13.
Hartnett, J. (2011). ‘The Power of Nuisances on the Roman Street’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. n/a Oxford: Oxford University Press, 135–159.
Kaiser, A. (2011). ‘Cart Traffic Flow in Pompeii and Rome’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. n/a Oxford: Oxford University Press, 174–193.
Laurence, R. and D. Newsome (2011). Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Newsome, D. (2011). ‘Introduction: Making Movement Meaningful’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. n/a Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–54.
Poehler, E., M. Flohr and K. Cole (2011). Pompeii: Art, Industry, Infrastructure. Oxford: Oxbow.
Poehler, E., M. Flohr and K. Cole (2011). ‘Introduction’, in E. Poehler, M. Flohr and K. Cole (eds), Pompeii: Art, Industry, Infrastructure. n/a Oxford: Oxbow, 1–9.
Ritter, S. (2011). ‘Das Wirtshaus als Lebensraum: 'Kneipenszenen' aus Pompeji’. JDAI 126: 155–220.
Van Nes, A. (2011). ‘Measuring Spatial Visibility, Adjacency, Permeability and Degrees of Street Life in Pompeii’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. n/a Oxford: Oxford University Press, 100–117.
Caroll, M. (2010). ‘Exploring the sanctuary of Venus and its sacred grove: politics, cult and identity in Roman Pompeii’. PBSR 78: 63–106.
Dickmann, J.-A. (2010). ‘Die Umwandlung von Wohn- in Verkaufsraum in spätrepublikanischen domus’, in M. Bentz and Chr. Reusser (eds), Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 273–280.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2010). ‘The Fifth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report.’. FOLD&R 202.
Flohr, M. (2010). Review of Faber, A.; Hofmann, A., 'Die Casa del Fauno in Pompeji (VI 12), Part I: Stratigraphische Befunde der Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1961 bis 1963 und Bauhistorische Analyse'. GFA 13, 1165–1171.
Hodske, J. (2010). ‘Häuser und Mythenbilder in Pompeji als Spiegel der Gesellschaft’. BABesch 85: 179–192.
Monteix, N. (2010). Les lieux de métier : boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum. Collection du centre Jean Bérard 34. Rome: École Française de Rome.
Newsome, D. (2010). The forum and the city: rethinking centrality in Rome and Pompeii (3rd century BC - 2nd century AD). Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
Pesando, F. (2010). ‘La domus pompeiana in età sannitica: nuove acquisizioni dalla Regio VI’, in M. Bentz and Chr. Reusser (eds), Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 243–254.
Pesando, F. (2010). Rileggere Pompei III. Ricerche sulla Pompei sannitica: campagne di scavo 2006-2008. Quaderni di studi pompeiani. Rome: LErma di Bretschneider.
Verzar-Bass, M. and F. Oriolo (2010). Rileggere Pompei II. L'Insula 13 della Regio VI. Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 30. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
Vogel, S. and M. Märker (2010). ‘Reconstructing the Roman topography and environmental features of the Sarno River Plain (Italy) before the AD 79 eruption of Somma-Vesuvius’. Geomorphology 115.1-2: 67–77.
Bernal, D., D. Cottica and C. Zaccaria (2009). ‘El garum de Pompeya y Herculano (2008-2012). Síntesis de la primera campaña del proyecto hispano-italiano’, in a.a.v.v. (ed.), Proyectos Arqueológicos en el Exterior 2008. n/a Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 125–137.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2009). ‘The Fourth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 146.
Esposito, D. (2009). Le officine pittoriche di IV stile a Pompei. Dinamiche produttive ed economico-sociali. Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 28. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
Flohr, M. (2009). ‘The social world of Roman fullonicae’. TRAJ 2008: 173–186.
Hoffmann, A. (2009). Die Casa del Fauno in Pompeji (VI 12). Wiesbaden: Reichert.
Lazer, E. (2009). Resurrecting Pompeii. London: Routledge.
Manderscheid, H. (2009). Dulcissima aequora : Wasserbewirtschaftung und Hydrotechnik der Terme suburbane in Pompeii. Leuven: Peeters.
Newsome, D. (2009). ‘Traffic, Space and Legal Change around the Casa del Marinaio at Pompeii (VII 15.1-2)’. BABesch 84: 121–142.
Peña, J. and M. McCallum (2009). ‘The Production and Distribution of Pottery at Pompeii: A Review of the Evidence; Part 1, Production’. AJA 113.1: 57–79.
Potts, J. (2009). ‘The art of piety and profit at Pompeii: a new interpretation of the painted shop façade at IX.7.1-2’. Greece and Rome 56.1: 55–70.
Van Andringa, W. (2009). Quotidien des dieux et des hommes : la vie religieuse dans les cités du Vésuve à l'époque romaine. Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 337. Rome: École française de Rome.
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Carella, A., L. D'Acunto, N. Inserra and C. Serpe (2008). Marmora Pompeiana nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli. Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 26. Roma: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
Curti, E. (2008). ‘Il tempio di Venere Fisica e il porto di Pompei’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 47–60.
De Haan, N. and K. Wallat (2008). ‘Le Terme Centrali a Pompei: ricerche e scavi 2003-2006’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 15–24.
Devore, G. and S.J.R. Ellis (2008). ‘The Third Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 112.
Di Fiore, B. and D. Chianese (2008). ‘Electric and magnetic tomographic approach for the geophysical investigation of an unexplored area in the archaeological site of Pompeii (Southern Italy)’. JAS 35: 14–25.
Flohr, M. (2008). ‘Cleaning the Laundries II. Report of the 2007 campaign’. FOLD&R 111: 1–13.
Guidobaldi, M.-P. and P.-G. Guzzo (2008). Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 25. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
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Liu, J. (2008). ‘Pompeii and collegia: a new appraisal of the evidence’. AHB 22: 53–70.
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Milnor, K. (2008). ‘Literary Literacy in Roman Pompeii. The Case of Vergil's Aeneid’, in W. Johnson and H. Parker (eds), Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 288–319.
Puybaret, M.-P., Ph. Borgard and R. Zérubia (2008). ‘Teindre comme à Pompéi: approche expérimentale’, in C. Alfaro, L Karale, I Boesken Kanold and R. Haubrichs (eds), Vestidos, textiles y tintes : estudios sobre la producción de bienes de consumo en la Antigüedad : actas del II symposium internacional sobre textiles y tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo antiguo (Atenas, 24 al 26 de noviembre, 2005). Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 185–194.
Adam, J.-P. (2007). ‘Building Materials, Construction Techniques and Chronologies’, in J. Dobbins and P. Foss (eds), The World of Pompeii. London: Routledge, 98–113.
Allison, P.M. (2007). ‘Engendering Roman domestic space’, in R. Westgate, N. Fisher and J. Whitley (eds), Building Communities: House, Settlement and Society in the Aegean and beyond. n/a Athens: British School at Athens, 343–350.
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Dobbins, J. and P. Foss (2007). The World of Pompeii. London: Routledge.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2007). ‘Uncovering Plebeian Pompeii: Broader implications from excavating a forgotten working-class neighbourhood’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 309–320.
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Flohr, M. (2007). ‘Cleaning the Laundries. Report of the 2006 season’. RivStPomp 18: 131–136.
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Monteix, N. (2007). ‘Du couteau au boucher: remarques préliminaires sur la préparation et le commerce de la viande à Pompéi’. Food and History 5.1: 169–196.
Peña, J. (2007). ‘Two Groups of Tituli Picti from Pompeii and environs: sicilian wine, not flour and hand-picked olives’. JRA 20: 233–254.
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De Haan, N. and K. Wallat (2006). ‘The Water Supply of the Central Baths at Pompeii’, in G. Wiplinger (ed.), Cura Aquarum in Ephesus. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region, Ephesus/Selçuk, October 2-10, 2004. Leuven: Peeters, 417–422.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2006). ‘Towards an understanding of the shape of space at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: preliminary results from the 2006 season’. FOLD&R 2006: 1–15.
Flohr, M. (2006). ‘Pislucht in de achtertuin. Wonen en werken in Pompejaanse atriumhuizen’. Lampas 39.4: 326–342.
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Poehler, E. (2006). ‘The Circulation of traffic in Pompeii's Regio VI’. JRA 19: 53–74.
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