P. Degryse

Degryse, P. (2014). Glass Making in the Greco-Roman World: Results of the ARCHGLASS project. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Degryse, P., J. Schneider, N. Kellens, M. Waelkens and P. Muchez (2007). ‘Tracing the Resources of Iron Working at ancient Sagalassos (South-West Turkey): a combined Lead and Strontium isotope study on Iron Artefacts and Ores’. Archaeometry 49.1: 75–86.
Kellens, N., P. Degryse, F. Martens and M. Waelkens (2003). ‘Iron Production Activities and Products at Roman to early Byzantine Sagalassos’, in a.a.v.v. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Archaeometallurgy in Europe, 24-26 September 2003, Milan, Italy. Associazione italiana metallurgia: Milan, 545–554.
Poblome, J., O. Bounegru, P. Degryse, W. Viaene, M. Waelkens and S. Erdemgil (2001). ‘The sigillata manufactories of Pergamon and Sagalassos’. JRA 14: 143–165.
Poblome, J., P. Degryse, I. Librecht and M. Waelkens (1998). ‘Sagalassos red slip ware. The organization of a manufactory’. MBAH 17.2: 52–64.