Bibliography: Houses

Last updated: Friday, September 20th 2024, 10:25

Hanson, J.W. (2024). ‘Scaling in Pompeii: Preliminary Evidence for the Occurrence of Scaling Phenomena Within an Ancient Built Environment’. JAMT 31: 448–472.
Nevett, L. (2023). Ancient Greek Housing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Zanella, S. (2020). ‘L'archéologie des espaces domestiques à Pompéi: un point sur la question’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 21–52.
Zarmakoupi, M. (2020). ‘Between public and private: the Italian houses of Late Hellenistic / Roman Delos’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 237–258.
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Platts, H. (2018). ‘Housing in the City of Rome’, in C. Holleran and A. Claridge (eds), A Companion to the City of Rome. Oxford: Blackwell.
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Nevett, L. (2010). Domestic Space in Classical Antiquity. Key Themes in Ancient History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Pesando, F. (2010). ‘La domus pompeiana in età sannitica: nuove acquisizioni dalla Regio VI’, in M. Bentz and Chr. Reusser (eds), Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 243–254.
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Nevett, L. (2007). ‘Housing and Households. The Greek World’, in S. Alcock and R. Osborne (eds), Classical Archaeology. Malden: Blackwell, 205–223.
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Flohr, M. (2006). ‘Pislucht in de achtertuin. Wonen en werken in Pompejaanse atriumhuizen’. Lampas 39.4: 326–342.
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Flohr, M. (2005). ‘Keeping up appearances. Design History and Use of Domus VI 14, 21-22’. RivStPomp 16: 37–63.
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