D. Maschek

Barker, S.J., C. Courault, J. Domingo and D. Maschek (2023). From Concept to Monument: Time and Costs of Construction in the Ancient World. Papers in honour of Janet DeLaine. Oxford: Archeopress.
Maschek, D. (2023). ‘From Tenney Frank to Janet DeLaine: Roman Architecture and Economic History’, in S.J. Barker, C. Courault, J. Domingo and D. Maschek (eds), From Concept to Monument: Time and Costs of Construction in the Ancient World. Papers in honour of Janet DeLaine. Oxford: Archeopress, 1–14.
Trümper, M. and D. Maschek (2022). Architecture and the Ancient Economy. Analysis Archaeologica 5. Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
Maschek, D. (2021). ‘The Meaning of Building Materials in Late Republican Architecture: Moving from Semantics to Pragmatics’, in A. Haug, A. Hielscher and T. Lauritsen (eds), Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture. Aesthetics, Semantics and Function. Berlin: De Gruyter, 151–162.
Fernández-Götz, M., D. Maschek and N. Roymans (2020). ‘The dark side of the Empire: Roman expansionism between object agency and predatory regime’. Antiquity 94: 1630–1639.
Fernández-Götz, M., D. Maschek and N. Roymans (2020). ‘Power, asymmetries and how to view the Roman world’. Antiquity: 1653–1656.
Fernández-Götz, M., D. Maschek and N. Roymans (2020). ‘Power, asymmetries and how to view the Roman world’. Antiquity 94: 1653–1656.