Bibliography: Urine

Last updated: Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 21:41

Flohr, M. and A. Wilson (2011). ‘The economy of ordure’, in G. Jansen, A.-O. Koloski-Ostrow and E. Moormann (eds), Roman Toilets. Their Archaeology and Cultural History. Leuven: Peeters, 127–136.
Gethke, K., H. Herbst, D. Montag, D. Bruszies and J. Pinnekamp (2006). ‘Phosphorus recovery from human urine’. WPT 10.2166: 999–999.
Nielsen, I. and T. Schioler (1980). ‘The Water System in the Baths of Mithras in Ostia’. ARID IX: 149–159.