Bibliography: Pozzuoli

Last updated: Friday, January 17th 2020, 11:45

Camodeca, G. (2018). Puteoli Romana. Istituzioni e Società. Naples: UniorPress.
Popkin, M. (2018). ‘Urban Images in Glass from the Late Roman Empire: The Souvenir Flasks of Puteoli and Baiae’. AJA 122.3: 427–462.
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Jaschke, K. (2010). Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des antiken Puteoli. Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike 26. Rahden: Leidorf.
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Camodeca, G. (1981). ‘Ricerche su Puteoli tardoromana (fine III-IV secolo)’. Puteoli 3: 59–127.
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