Bibliography: Hellenistic

Last updated: Tuesday, February 12th 2019, 15:46

Seaman, K. (2016). ‘Pergamon and Pergamene Influence’, in M.M. Miles (ed.), A Companion to Greek Architecture. Oxford: Blackwell, 406–423.
Nevett, L. (2007). ‘Housing and Households. The Greek World’, in S. Alcock and R. Osborne (eds), Classical Archaeology. Malden: Blackwell, 205–223.
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Kleijwegt, M. (2002). ‘Textile manufacturing for a religious market. Artemis and Diana as Tycoons of Industry’, in W. Jongman and M. Kleijwegt (eds), After the Past: Essays in Ancient History in Honour of H.W. Pleket. Leiden: Brill, 81–134.
Loftus, A. (2000). ‘A Textile Factory in the Third Century BC Memphis: Labor, Capital and Private Enterprise in the Zenon Archive’, in D. Cardon and M. Feugère (eds), Archéologie des Textiles des origines au Ve siècle. Montagnac, 173–186.
Monaghan, M. (2000). ‘Dying Establishments in Classical and Hellenistic Greece’, in D. Cardon and M. Feugère (eds), Archéologie des Textiles des origines au Ve siècle. Montagnac, 167–172.
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