Bibliography: Suburbium

Last updated: Saturday, December 28th 2019, 13:40

Iara, K. (2015). ‘Moving In and Moving Out: Ritual Movements between Rome and its Suburbium’, in I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (eds), The Moving City. Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome. London: Bloomsbury, 125–132.
Musco, S., L. Petrassi and S. Pracchia (2001). Luoghi e paesaggi archeologici del suburbio orientale di Roma. Rome.
Jacopi, G. (1943). ‘Scavi in prossimità del porto fluviale di S. Paolo, località Pietra Papa’. MonAnt 39: 1–178.