Bibliography: Roman Republic

Last updated: Tuesday, April 2nd 2024, 9:47

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Corbeill, A. (2015). ‘'A Shouting and Bustling on All Sides' (Hor. Sat. 1.9.77-8): Everyday Justice in the Streets of Republican Rome’, in I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (eds), The Moving City. Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome. London: Bloomsbury, 89–98.
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Westall, R. (2015). ‘'Moving through Town': Foreign Dignitaries in Rome in the Middle and Late Republic’, in I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (eds), The Moving City. Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome. London: Bloomsbury, 23–36.
Östenberg, I. (2015). ‘Power Walks: Aristocratic Escorted Movements in Republican Rome’, in I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (eds), The Moving City. Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome. London: Bloomsbury, 13–22.
Versluys, M.J. (2013). ‘Material Culture and Identity in the Late Roman Republic (C. 200-C. 20)’, in J. DeRose Evans (ed.), A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic. Malden: Blackwell, 427–440.
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