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Combined Bibliography: Pottery and Pottery production

Peña, J. and M. McCallum (2009). ‘The Production and Distribution of Pottery at Pompeii: A Review of the Evidence; Part 1, Production’. AJA 113.1: 57–79.
Greene, K. and M. Jackson (2008). ‘Ceramic Production’, in J.P. Oleson (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 496–519.
Greene, K. (2005). ‘Roman pottery: Models, proxies and economic interpretation’. JRA 18.1: 34–34.
Nicoletta, N. (2003). ‘I produttori di terra sigillata di Scoppieto’. Rei Cretar 38: 145–152.
Heimerl, A. (2001). Die römischen Lampen aus Pergamon : vom Beginn der Kaiserzeit bis zum Ende des 4. Jhr. n. Chr.. Berlin: De Gruyter.