Bibliography: Porta Stabia Project

Last updated: Monday, August 12th 2013, 9:14

Ellis, S.J.R., A. Emmerson, A. Pavlick and K. Dicus (2011). ‘The 2010 field season at I.1.1-10, Pompeii: preliminary report on the excavations’. FOLD&R 220.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2010). ‘The Fifth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report.’. FOLD&R 202.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2009). ‘The Fourth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 146.
Devore, G. and S.J.R. Ellis (2008). ‘The Third Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 112.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2007). ‘Uncovering Plebeian Pompeii: Broader implications from excavating a forgotten working-class neighbourhood’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 309–320.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2007). ‘Two Seasons of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii, 2005-2006’. RivStPomp 18: 119–128.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2006). ‘Towards an understanding of the shape of space at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: preliminary results from the 2006 season’. FOLD&R 2006: 1–15.
Devore, G. and S.J.R. Ellis (2005). ‘New Excavations at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: A brief synthesis of results from the 2005 season.’. FOLD&R 48.