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Bulletin Antieke Beschaving. Annual Papers on Classical Archaeology

De Vos, M. (1975). ‘Pitture e mosaici di Solunto’. BABesch 50: 195–224.
Geertman, H. (1984). ‘Geometria e aritmetica in alcune case ad atrio pompeiane’. BABesch 59: 31–52.
Peterse, C. (1984). ‘Der oskische Fuß in pompejanischen Atrien’. BABesch 59: 9–61.
De Kind, R. (1991). ‘The Study of Houses at Herculaneum’. BABesch 66: 175–185.
Schoonhoven, A. (1999). ‘Residences for the rich? Some observations on the alleged residential and elitist character of Regio VI of Pompeii’. BABesch 74: 219–246.
Moormann, E.M. (2001). ‘Carandini's royal houses at the foot of the Palatine: Fact or fiction?’. BABesch 76: 209–212.
Laken, L. (2003). ‘Zebrapatterns in Campanian Wall-Painting: a matter of function’. BABesch 78: 167–189.
Stek, T. and J. Pelgrom (2005). ‘Samnite Sanctuaries Surveyed: Preliminary Report of the Sacred Landscape Project 2004’. BABesch 80: 65–71.
Stevens, S. (2005). ‘Reconstructing the Garden Houses at Ostia. Exploring Water Supply and Building Height’. BABesch 80: 113–123.
Van der Meer, L.B. (2005). ‘Domus Fulminata. The House of the Thunderbolt at Ostia (III, viii, 3-5)’. BABesch 80: 91–112.
Flohr, M. (2007). ‘Nec quicquam ingenuum habere potest officina? Spatial contexts of urban production at Pompeii, AD 79’. BABesch 82.1: 129–148.
Oome, N. (2007). ‘The Caseggiato del miltreo di Lucrezio Menandro (I iii 5)’. BABesch 82.1: 233–246.
Stöger, H. (2007). ‘Monumental Entrances of Roman Ostia’. BABesch 82.2: 347–364.
Flohr, M. (2008). Review of Allison, P.M., 'The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii. III. The Finds'. BABesch 83, 200–201.
Newsome, D. (2009). ‘Traffic, Space and Legal Change around the Casa del Marinaio at Pompeii (VII 15.1-2)’. BABesch 84: 121–142.
Hodske, J. (2010). ‘Häuser und Mythenbilder in Pompeji als Spiegel der Gesellschaft’. BABesch 85: 179–192.
Van Limbergen, D. (2011). ‘Vinum picenum and oliva picena Wine and Oil Presses in Central Adriatic Italy between the Late Republic and the Early Empire. Evidence and Problems’. BABesch 86: 71–94.
Danckers, J. (2011). ‘The 2nd-Century AD Crisis in Altinum (Venetia, Northern Italy) A Mixture of Historiographical Determinism and Archaeological Scarcity?’. BABesch 86: 143–165.
Trifilò, F. (2011). ‘Public Architecture and Urban Living in the Roman City. The Example of the Forum of Timgad’. BABesch 86: 125–136.
Flohr, M. (2015). Review of Monteix, N., 'Les lieux de métier : boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum'. BABesch 90, 249–250.
Flohr, M. (2020). Review of Schoevaert, J., 'Les boutiques d'Ostie. L'économie urbaine au quotidien. Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ve s. ap. J.-C.'. BABesch 95, 262–263.
Flohr, M. (2020). Review of Poehler, E., 'The Traffic Systems of Pompeii'. BABesch 95, 261–262.