Bibliography: Clothing and Dress

Last updated: Saturday, August 10th 2019, 15:06

Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Consumption, not Production. Understanding the fullonicae of Pompeii’, in C. Alfaro, J.-P. Brun, R. Pierobon Benoit and Ph. Borgard (eds), Textiles y tintes en la ciudad antigua : actas del III Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo antiguo (Nápoles, 13 al 15 de noviembre, 2008). n/a Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 209–215.
Edmondson, J. (2008). ‘Public Dress and Social Control in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome’, in J. Edmondson and A. Keith (eds), Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 21–46.
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Edmondson, J. and A. Keith (2008). Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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Koortbojian, M. (2008). ‘The double Identity of Roman Portrait Statues: Costumes and Their Symbolism at Rome’, in J. Edmondson and A. Keith (eds), Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 71–93.
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Davies, G. (2005). ‘What Made the Roman Toga Virilis?’, in L. Cleland (ed.), The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow, 121–130.
Harlow, M. (2005). ‘Dress in the Historia Augusta: the role of dress in historical narrative’, in L. Cleland (ed.), The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow, 143–153.
Sebesta, J. (2005). ‘The toga praetexta of Roman Children and Praetextate Garments’, in L. Cleland (ed.), The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow, 113–120.
Alfaro, C., J.P. Wild and B. Costa (2004). Actas del I Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en Época Romana. Purpureae Vestes I. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia.
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Borgard, Ph. and M.-P. Puybaret (2004). ‘Le travail de la laine au debut de l'empire: l'apport du modele pompeien. Quels artisans? Quels equipements? Quelles techniques?’, in C. Alfaro, J.P. Wild and B. Costa (eds), Actas del I Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en Época Romana. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 47–59.
Caillet, J.-P. and J.-M. Carrié (2004). ‘Tissus et vêtements dans l'antiquité tardive’. Antiquité Tardive.
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Wild, J.P. (2004). ‘The Roman Textile Industry: Problems, but progress’, in C. Alfaro, J.P. Wild and B. Costa (eds), Actas del I Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en Época Romana. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 23–27.
Borgard, Ph., J.-P. Brun, M. Leguilloux and M. Tuffreau-Libre (2003). ‘Le produzioni artigianali a Pompei. Richerche condotte dal Centre Jean Bérard’. RivStPomp XIV: 9–29.
Borgard, Ph. and M.-P. Puybaret (2003). ‘Approche Archeologique du travail de la laine au Ier siecle apres J.-C.’, in G. Cresci Marrone and M. Tirelli (eds), Produzioni, merci e commerci in Altino preromana e romana. Rome, 299–318.
Burman, B. and C. Turbin (2003). Material Strategies. Dress and Gender in Historical Perspective. Oxford: Blackwell.
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Munro, J. (2003). ‘Medieval woollens: textiles, textile technology and industrial organisation c. 800-1500’, in D. Jenkins (ed.), The Cambridge History of Western Textiles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 181–227.
Wild, J.P. (2003). ‘The Romans in the west, 600 BC - AD 400’, in D. Jenkins (ed.), The Cambridge History of Western Textiles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77–93.
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Wild, J.P. (2002). ‘The Textile Industries of Roman Britain’. Brittannia XXXIII: 1–42.
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Alfaro, C. (1996). ‘La teinture de draps dans les provinces romaines du nord de l'Afrique’. Africa Rom 11: 823–836.
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Sebesta, J. (1994). ‘Symbolism in the Costume of the Roman Woman’, in J. Sebesta and L. Bonfante (eds), The World of Roman Costume. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 46–53.
Sebesta, J. (1994). ‘Tunica Ralla, Tunica Spissa: The Colors and Textiles of Roman Costume’, in J. Sebesta and L. Bonfante (eds), The World of Roman Costume. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 65–76.
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