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Combined Bibliography: Britannia and Crafts and Manufacturing

Hall, J. (2005). ‘The shopkeepers and craft-workers of Roman London’, in A. MacMahon and J. Price (eds), Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Oxford: Oxbow, 125–144.
MacMahon, A. (2005). ‘The shops and workshops of Roman Britain’, in A. MacMahon and J. Price (eds), Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Oxford: Oxbow, 48–69.
Cool, H. (2002). ‘Craft and industry in Roman York’, in J. Price and P. Wilson (eds), Aspects of industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Oxford: Oxbow, 1–12.
Price, J. and P. Wilson (2002). Aspects of industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Oxford: Oxbow.
Polfer, M. (1999). Artisanat et productions artisanales en milieu rural dans les provinces du nord-ouest de l'Empire romain. Montagnac: Editions Monique Mergoil.
Wild, J.P. (1985). ‘The Clothing of Britannia, Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior’. ANRW II.3: 362–422.
Cleere, H. (1983). ‘The Organization of the Iron Industry in the Western Roman Provinces in the Early Empire, with Special Reference to Britain’. Offa 40: 103–114.
Richmond, I. (1966). ‘Industry in Roman Britain’, in J. Wacher (ed.), The Civitas Capitals of Roman Britain. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 76–86.