J. Trimble

Trimble, J. (2011). Women and Visual Replication in Roman Imperial Art and Culture. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Trimble, J. (2008). ‘Process And Transformation On The Severan Marble Plan Of Rome’, in R. Talbert and R. Unger (eds), Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Fresh Perspectives, New Methods. Leiden: Brill, 67–98.
Najbjerg, T. and J. Trimble (2006). ‘The Severan Marble Plan Since 1960’, in R. Meneghini and R. Santangeli Valenziani (eds), Formae Urbis Romae. Nuovi Frammenti di Piante Marmoree dallo scavo dei Fori Imperiali. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 75–101.