T. Stek

Düring, B. and T. Stek (2018). The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stek, T. and B. Düring (2018). ‘Towards a patchwork perspective on ancient empires’, in B. Düring and T. Stek (eds), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes. A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 351–362.
Stek, T. (2017). ‘The impact of Roman expansion and colonization on ancient Italy in the Republican period. From diffusionism to networks of opportunity’, in G.D. Farney and G. Bradley (eds), The Peoples of Ancient Italy. Berlin: De Gruyter, 269–294.
Pelgrom, J. and T. Stek (2014). ‘Roman Colonization under the Republic: historiographical contextualisation of a paradigm’, in T. Stek and J. Pelgrom (eds), Roman Republican Colonization. New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History. Rome: Palombi, 11–41.
Stek, T. and J. Pelgrom (2014). Roman Republican Colonization. New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History. Rome: Palombi.
Stek, T. and J. Pelgrom (2005). ‘Samnite Sanctuaries Surveyed: Preliminary Report of the Sacred Landscape Project 2004’. BABesch 80: 65–71.