E. Seland

Seland, E. (2021). A global history of the ancient world: Asia, Europe, and Africa before Islam. London: Routledge.
Teigen, H. and E. Seland (2017). Sinews of empire: Networks in the Roman Near East and beyond. Oxford: Oxbow.
Seland, E. (2014). ‘Archaeology of trade in the western Indian Ocean, 300 BC-AD 700’. JAR 22: 367–402.
Seland, E. (2013). ‘Caravans, Smugglers and Trading Fairs: Organizing Textile Trade on the Syrian Frontier’, in K. Dross-Krüpe (ed.), Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 83–90.
Seland, E. (2013). ‘Networks and social cohesion in ancient Indian Ocean trade: geography, ethnicity, religion’. JGH 8.3: 373–390.