D. Peacock

Peacock, D., F. Bejaoui and N. Ben Lazreg (1990). ‘Roman Pottery Production in Central Tunisia’. JRA 3: 59–84.
Peacock, D. and D.F. Williams (1986). Amphorae and the Roman economy: an introductory guide. London: Longman.
Peacock, D. (1982). Pottery in the Roman world : an ethnoarchaeological approach. London: Longman.
Peacock, D. (1980). ‘The Roman Millstone Trade: a petrological sketch’. World Arch 12.1: 43–53.
Peacock, D. (1977). ‘Roman amphorae : typology, fabric and origins’, in G. Vallet and A. Tchernia (eds), Méthodes classiques et méthodes formelles dans l'étude typologique des amphores. Actes du colloque de Rome (27-29 mai 1974). Rome: École française de Rome, 261–278.