H. Mouritsen

Mouritsen, H. (2011). The Freedman in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mouritsen, H. (2005). ‘Freedmen and decurions: epitaphs and social history in imperial Italy’. JRS 95: 38–63.
Mouritsen, H. (2004). ‘Pits and politics: Interpreting colonial fora in Republican Italy’. PBSR 72: 37–67.
Mouritsen, H. (2001). ‘Roman freedmen and the urban economy: Pompeii in the first century AD’, in F. Senatore (ed.), Pompei tra Sorrento e Sarno: Atti del terzo e quarto ciclo di conferenze di geologia,storia e archeologia, Pompei, gennaio 1999– - maggio 2000. Roma: Bardi, 1–27.
Mouritsen, H. (2001). ‘Ostie impériale - une révolution sociale?’, in J.-P. Descoeudres (ed.), Ostia. Port et Porte de la Rome Antique. Genève: Musée Rath, 30–35.
Mouritsen, H. (1999). ‘Electoral Campaigning in Pompeii: A Reconsideration’. Athenaeum 87.2: 515–522.
Mouritsen, H. (1990). ‘A note on Pompeian epigraphy and social structure’. ClMed 41: 131–149.
Mouritsen, H. (1988). Elections, Magistrates and Municipal Elite. Studies in Pompeian Epigraphy. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.