P. Bang

Bang, P. (2021). ‘Empire - A world History: Anatomy and Concept, Theory and Synthesis’, in P. Bang, Chr. Bayly and W. Scheidel (eds), The Oxford world history of empire. Vol. I. The imperial experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–87.
Bang, P., Chr. Bayly and W. Scheidel (2021). The Oxford world history of empire. Vol. I. The imperial experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bang, P., Chr. Bayly and W. Scheidel (2021). The Oxford world history of empire. Vol. II. The history of empires. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bang, P. (2012). ‘Predation’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy. n/a Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197–217.
Bang, P. (2012). ‘A forum on trade’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy. n/a Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 296–303.
Bang, P. (2009). ‘The Ancient Economy and New Institutional Economics’. Review of Scheidel, W.; Morris, I.; Saller, R., 'The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World'. JRS 99, 194–206.
Bang, P. (2009). ‘Commanding and Consuming the World: Empire, Tribute, and Trade in Roman and Chinese History’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), Rome and China Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires. Oxford: Oxford University Press , 100–120.
Bang, P. (2008). The Roman Bazaar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bang, P. (2007). ‘Trade and Empire. In Search of Organizing Concepts for the Roman Economy’. Past and Present 195: 3–54.
Bang, P. (2006). ‘Imperial Bazaar: Towards a Comparative Unverstanding of Markets in the Roman Empire’, in P. Bang, M. Ikeguchi and H. Ziche (eds), Ancient Economies Modern Methodologies. Archaeology, comparative history, models and institutions. Bari: Edipuglia, 51–88.
Bang, P., M. Ikeguchi and H. Ziche (2006). Ancient Economies Modern Methodologies. Archaeology, comparative history, models and institutions. Bari: Edipuglia.