Bibliography: Vase-painting

Last updated: Thursday, May 7th 2020, 9:39

Artal-Isbrand, P. and P. Klausmeyer (2013). ‘Evaluation of the relief line and the contour line on Greek red-figure vases using reflectance transformation imaging and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscopy’. Studies in Conservation 58.4: 338–359.
Bundrick, S. (2008). ‘The Fabric of the City: Imaging Textile Production in Classical Athens’. Hesperia 77.2: 283–334.
Papadopoulos, J.K., J.F. Vedder and T. Schreiber (1998). ‘Drawing Circles: Experimental Archaeology and the Pivoted Multiple Brush’. AJA 102.3: 507–529.
Eiteljorg, H. (1980). ‘The Fast Wheel, the Multiple-Brush Compass and Athens as Home of the Protogeometric Style’. AJA 84.4: 445–452.