Bibliography: Trading communities

Last updated: Monday, January 25th 2016, 12:10

Rice, C. (2016). ‘Mercantile specialization and trading communities: economic strategies in Roman maritime trade’, in A. Wilson and M. Flohr (eds), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 97–114.
Terpstra, T. (2013). Trading Communities in the Roman World. A Micro-Economic and Institutional Perspective. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition 37. New York: Brill.
Verboven, K. (2011). ‘Resident Aliens and Translocal Merchant Collegia in the Roman Empire’, in O. Hekster and T. Kaizer (eds), Frontiers in the Roman World. Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Durham, 16?19 April 2009). Leiden: Brill, 335–348.
Rohde, D. (2009). ‘Der Piazzale delle Corporazioni in Ostia: wirtschaftliche Funktion und soziale Bedeutung’. MBAH 27: 31–62.
Steuernagel, D. (2009). ‘Les villes portuaires: des noeuds de communication de la mobilité religieuse?’. Trivium 4: 2–16.
Steuernagel, D. (2004). Kult und Alltag in römischen Hafenstädten: soziale Prozesse in archäologischer Perspektive. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Trümper, M. (2002). ‘Das Sanktuarium des «Établissement des Poseidoniastes de Bérytos» in Delos. Zur Baugeschichte eines griechischen Vereinsheiligtums’. BCH 126.1: 265–330.
Sosin, J.D. (1999). ‘Tyrian Stationarii at Puteoli’. Tyche 14: 275–285.
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Hatzfeld, J. (1919). Les trafiquants italiens dans l'Orient hellenique. Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 115. Paris: Éditions de Boccard.
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