Bibliography: Tabernae

Last updated: Sunday, August 9th 2020, 15:31

Ellis, S.J.R. (2018). The Roman Retail Revolution. The Socio-Economic World of the Taberna. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Flohr, M. (2018). ‘Tabernae and commercial investment along the western decumanus in Ostia’, in C. De Ruyt, Th. Morard and F. Van Haeperen (eds), Ostia Antica. Nouvelles études et recherces sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cité Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014). Rome: Institut historique belge de Rome, 143–153.
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Battistin, F. (2015). ‘Abitare nella Roma dei Severi. Studio delle tipologie abitative dai frammenti della Forma Urbis marmorea’. ArchClass 66: 547–574.
Flohr, M. (2014). ‘Costruire tabernae: l'investimento commerciale nelle città dell'Italia romana’. Forma Urbis 19.9: 42–44.
Flohr, M. (2013). ‘Building Tabernae - how commercial investment changed the cities of Roman Italy’. TMA 50: 84–84.
Monteix, N. (2013). ‘Espace commercial et puissance publique à Pompéi’, in A. Dardenay and E. Rosso (eds), Dialogues entre sphère publique et sphère privée dans l'espace de la cité romaine. Vecteurs, acteurs, significations. Paris: De Boccard, 161–184.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). ‘Pes Dexter. Superstition and the State in the Shaping of Shopfronts and Street Activity in the Roman World’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 160–173.
Flohr, M. (2011). ‘Tabernae, economische groei en stedelijke ontwikkeling in republikeins Pompeii’. TMA 46: 34–41.
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