Bibliography: Esquiliae

Last updated: Saturday, August 17th 2019, 11:22

Andrews, M.M. and S. Bernard (2017). ‘Urban development at Rome's Porta Esquilina and church of San Vito over the longue durée’. JRA 30: 244–265.
Fraioli, F. (2017). ‘Region V. Esquiliae’, in A. Carandini and P. Carafa (eds), The Atlas of Ancient Rome. Biography and Portraits of the City. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 323–341.
Andrews, M.M. (2014). ‘A Domus in the Subura of Rome from the Republic Through Late Antiquity’. AJA 118.1: 61–90.
Häuber, Chr. and D. Velestino (2014). The Eastern part of the Mons Oppius in Rome. The sanctuary of Isis et Serapis in Regio III, the temples of Minerva Medica, Fortuna Virgo and Dea Syria, and the Horti of Maecenas. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma. Supplementi 22. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.
Malmberg, S. and H. Bjur (2011). ‘Movement and Urban Development at Two City Gates in Rome’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. n/a Oxford: Oxford University Press, 361–385.
Carozza, V. (2007). ‘Roma. Resti di abitazioni alle pendici del Cispio’. FOLD&R 89: 1–6.
Gautier di Confiengo, E. (2007). ‘Il Quartiere di Porta Viminalis. Un contributo alla carta archeologica dell'Esquilino’. BullCom 108: 221–246.
Henzen, W. and R. Lanciani (1874). ‘Delle scoperte principali avvenute nella prima zona del nuovo quartiere esquilino’. BullCom 2.1: 33–88.
Lanciani, R. (1874). ‘Delle scoperte principali avvenute nella prima zona del nuovo quartiere esquilino’. BullCom 2.4: 195–223.