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Combined Bibliography: Pottery and Technological History

Baldi, J. and V. Roux (2016). ‘The innovation of the potter's wheel: a comparative perspective between Mesopotamia and the southern Levant’. Levant 48.3: 236–253.
Leon, Y., P. Sciau, M. Passelac, C. Sanchez, R. Sablayrolles, P. Goudeau and N. Tamura (2015). ‘Evolution of terra sigillata technology from Italy to Gaul through a multi-technique approach’. JAAS 30: 658–665.
Walton, M.S. and M.S. Tite (2010). ‘Production Technology of Roman Lead-Glazed Pottery and its Continuance into Late Antiquity’. Archaeometry 52.5: 733–759.
Tite, M. (2008). ‘Ceramic Production, Provenance, and Use. A Review’. Archaeometry 50.2: 216–231.
Greene, K. (2007). ‘Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Invention and Innovation: The Case of Lead-Glazed Pottery’. AJA 111.4: 653–671.
Schneider, H. (2007). ‘Technology’, in W. Scheidel, I. Morris and R. Saller (eds), The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 144–171.
Rotroff, S. (2006). ‘The introduction of the moldmade bowl revisited. Tracking a Hellenistic Innovation’. Hesperia 75: 357–378.
Greene, K. (2000). ‘Industry and Technology’, in A. Bowman, P. Garnsey and D. Rathbone (eds), The High Empire: A.D. 70-192. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 741–768.
Vernhet, A. (1981). ‘Un four de la Graufesenque (Aveyron): la cuisson des vases sigillés’. Gallia 39: 25–43.