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Combined Bibliography: Pompeii and Political History

Mouritsen, H. (2001). ‘Roman freedmen and the urban economy: Pompeii in the first century AD’, in F. Senatore (ed.), Pompei tra Sorrento e Sarno: Atti del terzo e quarto ciclo di conferenze di geologia,storia e archeologia, Pompei, gennaio 1999– - maggio 2000. Roma: Bardi, 1–27.
Mouritsen, H. (1999). ‘Electoral Campaigning in Pompeii: A Reconsideration’. Athenaeum 87.2: 515–522.
Biundo, R. (1996). ‘I rogatores nei programmata elettorali pompeiani’. CCG 7: 179–188.
Savunen, L. (1995). ‘Women and elections in Pompeii’, in R. Hawley and B. Levick (eds), Women in Antiquity: New Assessments. London: Routledge, 194–206.
Mouritsen, H. (1990). ‘A note on Pompeian epigraphy and social structure’. ClMed 41: 131–149.
Jongman, W. (1988). The Economy and Society of Pompeii. Amsterdam: Gieben.
Mouritsen, H. (1988). Elections, Magistrates and Municipal Elite. Studies in Pompeian Epigraphy. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
Moeller, W.O. (1976). The Wool Trade of Ancient Pompeii. Leiden: Brill.
Castrén, P. (1975). Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. Rome.
Della Corte, M. (1954). Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Rome.
Gordon, M. (1927). ‘The Ordo of Pompeii’. JRS 17: 165–183.