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Combined Bibliography: Pompeii and Architecture

Flohr, M. (2010). Review of Faber, A.; Hofmann, A., 'Die Casa del Fauno in Pompeji (VI 12), Part I: Stratigraphische Befunde der Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1961 bis 1963 und Bauhistorische Analyse'. GFA 13, 1165–1171.
Pesando, F. (2006). ‘Il 'Secolo d'Oro' di Pompei. Aspetti dell'architettura pubblica e privata nel II secolo a.c.’, in M. Osanna and M. Torelli (eds), Sicilia ellenistica, consuetudo italica. Alle origini dell'architettura ellenistica d'Occidente. Rome and Pisa: , 227–241.
Schoonhoven, A. (2006). Metrology and Meaning in Pompeii. The Urban Arrangement of Regio VI. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
De Haan, N., C. Peterse, S. Piras and F. Schipper (2005). ‘The Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14, 43): Elite Architecture in Fourth-Century B.C. Pompeii’, in P.-G. Guzzo and M.-P. Guidobaldi (eds), Nuove ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano. Naples: Electa, 240–256.
Flohr, M. (2005). ‘Keeping up appearances. Design History and Use of Domus VI 14, 21-22’. RivStPomp 16: 37–63.
Mols, S. and E. Moormann (2005). Omni pede stare. Saggi Architettonici e circumvesuviani in memoriam Jos de Waele. Napoli: Electa.
Peterse, C. and J. De Waele (2005). ‘The Standardized Design of the Casa degli Scienziati’, in S. Mols and E. Moormann (eds), Omni pede stare. Saggi Architettonici e circumvesuviani in memoriam Jos de Waele. Napoli: Electa, 197–219.
Schoonhoven, A. (2003). Metrology and Meaning in Pompeii. The Urban Arrangement of Regio VI. Leiden (Ph.D): unpublished.
Ellis, S.P. (2000). Roman Housing. London.
Grahame, M. (2000). Reading Space: Social Interaction and Identity in the Houses of Roman Pompeii. A syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space. Oxford.
Schoonhoven, A. (1999). ‘Residences for the rich? Some observations on the alleged residential and elitist character of Regio VI of Pompeii’. BABesch 74: 219–246.
George, M. (1998). ‘Elements of the peristyle in Campanian atria’. JRA 11: 82–100.
Ling, R. (1997). The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii, volume I: the structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wallace-Hadrill, A. (1997). ‘Rethinking the Roman atrium house’, in R. Laurence and A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds), Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and beyond. Pourtsmouth, 219–240.
De Waele, J., R. De Kind and C. Peterse (1996). ‘Case di Pompeii ed Ercolano: disegno e progettazione’. OpPomp VI: 1–16.
De Caro, S. (1990). Review of Richardson Jr., L., 'Pompeii. An Architectural History'. Gnomon 62, 152–161.
Richardson Jr., L. (1988). Pompeii. An Architectural History. Baltimore.
Watts, C.M. (1987). A Pattern Language for houses at Pompeii, Herculaneum and Ostia. Austin.
Peterse, C. (1985). ‘Notes on the design of the house of Pansa (VI 6, 1) in Pompeii’. MededRom 46: 35–55.
Geertman, H. (1984). ‘Geometria e aritmetica in alcune case ad atrio pompeiane’. BABesch 59: 31–52.
Peterse, C. (1984). ‘Der oskische Fuß in pompejanischen Atrien’. BABesch 59: 9–61.
Strocka, V. (1975). ‘Pompejanische Nebenzimer’, in A. Andreae and H. Kyrieleis (eds), Neue Forschungen in Pompeji und den anderen vom Vesuvausbruch 79n.Chr. verschütteten Städten. Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 101–106.
Carrington, R.C. (1933). ‘Notes on the Building Materials of Pompeii’. JRS 23: 125–138.