Bibliography: India

Last updated: Friday, March 17th 2023, 13:50

Gurukkal, R. (2016). Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman Trade: Political Economy of Eastern Mediterranean Exchange Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sawant, R. and G. Shete (2016). ‘A Review of Early Historic Urbanization in India’, in S. Walimbe and G. Schug (eds), A Companion to South Asia in the Past. Malden: Blackwell, 319–331.
Smith, M. (2016). ‘Historical and Medieval Period Archaeology’, in S. Walimbe and G. Schug (eds), A Companion to South Asia in the Past. Malden: Blackwell, 332–343.
Walimbe, S. and G. Schug (2016). A Companion to South Asia in the Past. Blackwell Companions. Malden: Blackwell.
Kaul, S. (2015). ‘South Asia’, in C. Benjamin (ed.), The Cambridge World History 4. A World with States, Empires and Networks 1200 BCE-900 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 480–513.
Kumaran, R.N. (2014). ‘Second urbanization in Gujarat’. Current Science 107.4: 580–588.
Petrie, C. (2013). ‘South Asia’, in P. Clark (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 83–104.
Walser, A.V. (2001). ‘Zur Rolle des Geldes im Handel zwischen dem Imperium Romanum, Südarabien und INdien in der frühen Kaiserzeit’. MBAH 20.2: 81–107.
Sidebotham, S.E. (1986). ‘Ports of the Red Sea and the Arabia-India trade’. MBAH 5.2: 16–36.
Margabandhu, C. (1965). ‘Trade Contacts between Western India and the Graeco-Roman World in the Early Centuries of the Christian Era’. JESHO 8.3: 316–322.
Sarasin, A. (1930). Der Handel zwischen Indien und Rom zur Zeit der römischen Kaiser. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
Warmington, E.H. (1928). The Commerce between the Roman Empire and India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.