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Combined Bibliography: Houses and Wall-decoration

Flohr, M. (2019). ‘Artisans and Markets: the Economics of Roman Domestic Decoration’. AJA 123.1: 101–125.
Hodske, J. (2010). ‘Häuser und Mythenbilder in Pompeji als Spiegel der Gesellschaft’. BABesch 85: 179–192.
Flohr, M. (2005). ‘Keeping up appearances. Design History and Use of Domus VI 14, 21-22’. RivStPomp 16: 37–63.
Hales, S. (2003). The Roman House and Social Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Laken, L. (2003). ‘Zebrapatterns in Campanian Wall-Painting: a matter of function’. BABesch 78: 167–189.
Staub-Gierow, M. (2000). Casa della Perete Nera (VII 4, 58-60). Casa delle forme di Creta (VII 4, 61-63). Hirmer: Munich.
Archer, W.A. (1995). ‘The Maturing of the Fourth Style: the Casa delle Nozze d'Argento at Pompeii’. JRA 10: 129–150.
Seiler, F. (1992). Casa degli Amorini dorati (VI 16, 7.38). Munich.
Allison, P.M. (1991). ‘The relationship between wall-decoration and room-type in Pompeian houses’. JRA 4: 235–249.