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Combined Bibliography: Herculaneum and Houses

Andrews, J. (2020). ‘Rooms with a view: status, spatial hierarchy, and seasonality in the upper floors of houses at Herculaneum’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 87–114.
Dessales, H. (2013). Le partage de l'eau. Fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l'habitat urbain de l'Italie romaine. Rome: École française de Rome.
Pirson, F. (2003). ‘De Kind, Houses in Herculaneum’. Review of De Kind, R., 'Houses in Herculaneum. A New View on the Town Planning and the Building of Insulae III and IV'. Gnomon , 438–440.
Mols, S. (1999). Wooden Furniture in Herculaneum. Amsterdam.
De Kind, R. (1998). Houses in Herculaneum. A New View on the Town Planning and the Building of Insulae III and IV. Amsterdam: Gieben.
De Waele, J., R. De Kind and C. Peterse (1996). ‘Case di Pompeii ed Ercolano: disegno e progettazione’. OpPomp VI: 1–16.
De Kind, R. (1991). ‘The Study of Houses at Herculaneum’. BABesch 66: 175–185.
Watts, C.M. (1987). A Pattern Language for houses at Pompeii, Herculaneum and Ostia. Austin.
Orr, D. (1972). Roman Domestic Religion: A Study of the Roman Household Deities and their Serines at Pompeii and Herculaneum. Ann Arbor.
Catalano, V. (1963). Case Abitanti e Culti di Ercolano. Rome.