Bibliography: Fullones

Last updated: Thursday, August 18th 2016, 20:28

Flohr, M. (2013). ‘Ulula, quinquatrus and the occupational identity of fullones in early imperial Italy’, in M. Gleba and J. Pasztokai-Szeöke (eds), Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities. Oxford: Oxbow, 192–207.
Milnor, K. (2008). ‘Literary Literacy in Roman Pompeii. The Case of Vergil's Aeneid’, in W. Johnson and H. Parker (eds), Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 288–319.
Harrison, S. (2006). ‘Literary Texture in the adultery-tales of Apuleius’, in R. Nauta (ed.), Desultoria Scientia. Genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and related texts. Leuven: Peeters, 19–31.
Welsh, J. (2006). ‘A Fuller at the Quinquatrus: Novius, Virgo Praegnans I’. Eranos 104: 117–119.
Flohr, M. (2003). ‘Fullones and Roman Society. A Reconsideration’. JRA 16: 447–450.
Deniaux, E. (1990). ‘L'activité des foulons d'Évreux et le contrôle impérial à l'époque d'Antonin’, in a.a.v.v. (ed.), Recueil d'études en hommage à Lucien Musset. Caen: Musée de Normandie, 53–68.
Knobloch, J. (1990). ‘Lat. fullones. Walker - unehrliche Leute’. Sprachwiss 15: 122–123.
Guardi, T. (1978). ‘I fullones e la commedia romana’. PAN VI: 37–45.
Della Corte, M. (1921). Fullones. Napoli.
Brewster, E. (1917). Roman craftsmen and tradesmen of the early empire. Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta.