Bibliography: Diaspora

Last updated: Tuesday, August 13th 2013, 18:00

Matassa, L. (2007). ‘Unravelling the Myth of the Synagogue on Delos’. BAIAS 25: 81–115.
Trümper, M. (2004). ‘The Oldest Original Synagogue Building in the Diaspora: The Delos Synagogue Reconsidered’. Hesperia 73.4: 513–598.
Kasher, A. (1987). ‘The nature of Jewish migration in the Mediterranean countries in the Hellenistic-Roman era’. MHR 2: 46–75.
White, L.M. (1987). ‘The Delos Synagogue Revisited. Recent Fieldwork in the Graeco-Roman Diaspora’. HTR 80.2: 133–160.
Bordreuil, P. and Ph. Bruneau (1982). ‘Les Israélites de Délos et la juiverie délienne’. BCH 106.1: 465–504.