Bibliography: Children

Last updated: Friday, March 24th 2023, 9:30

Baills-Baillé, N. and M. Tirel (2020). ‘Des morts chez les vivants? Les enfants en bas âge inhumés dans les espaces domestiques de Gaule Romaine’, in A. Dardenay and N. Laubry (eds), Anthropology of Roman Housing. Turnhout: Brepols, 293–318.
Laes, W. (2008). ‘Child Slaves at Work in Roman Antiquity’. Ancient Society 38: 235–283.
Sebesta, J. (2005). ‘The toga praetexta of Roman Children and Praetextate Garments’, in L. Cleland (ed.), The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow, 113–120.