Bibliography: Building materials

Last updated: Thursday, September 5th 2019, 9:24

De Kind, R. (1998). Houses in Herculaneum. A New View on the Town Planning and the Building of Insulae III and IV. Circumvesuviana 1. Amsterdam: Gieben.
Ling, R. (1997). The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii, volume I: the structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carocci, F., E. De Albentis, M. Gargiulo and F. Pesando (1990). Le insulae 3 e 4 della regio VI di Pompei. Un'analisi storico - urbanistica.. Archaeologia Perusina 5. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
Ganschow, Th. (1989). Untersuchungen zur Baugeschichte in Herculaneum. Bonn.
Carrington, R.C. (1933). ‘Notes on the Building Materials of Pompeii’. JRS 23: 125–138.