C. Lesger

Furnée, J.H. and C. Lesger (2014). The Landscape of Consumption. Shopping Streets and Cultures in Western Europe, 1600-1900. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lesger, C. (2014). ‘Urban Planning, Urban Improvement and the Retail Landscape in Amsterdam, 1600-1850’, in J.H. Furnée and C. Lesger (eds), The Landscape of Consumption. Shopping Streets and Cultures in Western Europe, 1600-1900. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 104–124.
Lesger, C. and J.H. Furnée (2014). ‘Shopping Streets and Cultures from a Long-Term and Transnational Perspective: An Introduction’, in J.H. Furnée and C. Lesger (eds), The Landscape of Consumption. Shopping Streets and Cultures in Western Europe, 1600-1900. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–15.
Lesger, C. (2013). Het winkellandschap van Amsterdam. Stedelijke structuur en winkelbedrijf in vroegmoderne en moderne tijd. Hilversum: Verloren.