M. Lavan

Lavan, M. (2022). ‘Greek names and freed status in Roman Italy: why ancient historians can't ignore statistics’. Chiron 52: 1–30.
Lavan, M., D. Jew and B. Danon (2022). The Uncertain Past. Probability in Ancient History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lavan, M. (2016). ‘The Spread of Roman Citizenship, 14?212 CE: Quantification in the Face of High Uncertainty’. Past and Present 230: 3–46.
Lavan, M., R. Payne and J. Weisweiler (2016). Cosmopolitanism and Empire: Universal Rulers, Local Elites, and Cultural Integration in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lavan, M. (2013). Slaves to Rome. Paradigms of Empire in Roman Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.