S.J.R. Ellis

Ellis, S.J.R. (2018). The Roman Retail Revolution. The Socio-Economic World of the Taberna. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2017). ‘Reevaluating Pompeii's Coin-Finds: Monetary transactions and urban rubbish in the retail economy of an ancient city’, in M. Flohr and A. Wilson (eds), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 291–335.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). ‘Pes Dexter. Superstition and the State in the Shaping of Shopfronts and Street Activity in the Roman World’, in R. Laurence and D. Newsome (eds), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 160–173.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). The Making of Pompeii: Studies in the history and urban development of an ancient town. Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2011). ‘The rise and reorganization of the Pompeian salted fish industry’, in S.J.R. Ellis (ed.), The Making of Pompeii: Studies in the history and urban development of an ancient town. Portsmouth: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 59–88.
Ellis, S.J.R., A. Emmerson, A. Pavlick and K. Dicus (2011). ‘The 2010 field season at I.1.1-10, Pompeii: preliminary report on the excavations’. FOLD&R 220.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2010). ‘The Fifth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report.’. FOLD&R 202.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2009). ‘The Fourth Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 146.
Devore, G. and S.J.R. Ellis (2008). ‘The Third Season of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii: Preliminary Report’. FOLD&R 112.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2008). ‘A New Pompeian Textbook’. Review of Dobbins, J.; Foss, P., 'The World of Pompeii'. JRA 21, 450–457.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2007). ‘Uncovering Plebeian Pompeii: Broader implications from excavating a forgotten working-class neighbourhood’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 309–320.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2007). ‘Two Seasons of Excavations at VIII.7.1-15 and the Porta Stabia at Pompeii, 2005-2006’. RivStPomp 18: 119–128.
Ellis, S.J.R. and G. Devore (2006). ‘Towards an understanding of the shape of space at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: preliminary results from the 2006 season’. FOLD&R 2006: 1–15.
Devore, G. and S.J.R. Ellis (2005). ‘New Excavations at VIII.7.1-15, Pompeii: A brief synthesis of results from the 2005 season.’. FOLD&R 48.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2004). ‘The distribution of bars at Pompeii: archaeological, spatial and viewshed analyses’. JRA 17: 371–384.
Ellis, S.J.R. (2004). ‘The Pompeian Bar: archaeology and the role of food and drink’. Food and History 2.1: 41–58.