J. Dobbins

Ball, L.F. and J. Dobbins (2017). ‘Pompeii Forum Project: Excavation and Urbanistic Reappraisals of the Sanctuary of Apollo, Basilica, and Via della Fortuna Neighborhood’. AJA 121.3: 467–503.
Ball, L.F. and J. Dobbins (2013). ‘Pompeii Forum Project: Current Thinking on the Pompeii Forum’. AJA 117.3: 461–492.
Dobbins, J. (2007). ‘The Forum and its dependencies’, in J. Dobbins and P. Foss (eds), The World of Pompeii. London: Routledge, 150–183.
Dobbins, J. and P. Foss (2007). The World of Pompeii. London: Routledge.
Dobbins, J. (1996). ‘The imperial cult building in the Forum at Pompeii’, in A. Small (ed.), Subject and Ruler: The Cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity. Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 99–114.
Dobbins, J. (1994). ‘Problems of Chronology, Decoration, and Urban Design in the Forum at Pompeii’. AJA 98.4: 629–694.