L. De Ligt

De Ligt, L. (2020). ‘The Impact of Roman Rule on the Urban System of Sicily’, in L. De Ligt and J. Bintliff (eds), Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE - 250 CE. Leiden: Brill, 217–280.
De Ligt, L. and J. Bintliff (2020). Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE - 250 CE. Mnemosyne Supplements History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity 431. Leiden: Brill.
De Ligt, L. and J. Bintliff (2020). ‘Introduction’, in L. De Ligt and J. Bintliff (eds), Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE - 250 CE. Leiden: Brill, 1–34.
De Ligt, L. (2017). ‘The urban system of Roman Egypt in the early third century AD: an economic-geographical approach to city-size distribution in a Roman province’. Ancient Society 47: 255–321.
De Ligt, L. (2016). ‘Urban systems and the political and economic structures of early-imperial Italy’. Rivista di Storia Economica 32: 17–75.
De Ligt, L. and L.E. Tacoma (2016). Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire. Studies in Global Migration History 23/7. Leiden: Brill.
De Ligt, L. (2013). ‘Twee antieke kredietcrises’. Leidschrift 28.2: 37–54.
De Ligt, L. (2012). Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC - AD 100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Ligt, L. and P. Garnsey (2012). ‘The Album of Herculaneum and a model of the town's demography’. JRA 25: 69–94.
De Ligt, L. (2008). ‘The Population of Cisalpine Gaul in the Time of Augustus’, in L. De Ligt and S. Northwood (eds), People, Land, and Politics. Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC - AD 14. Leiden: Brill, 139–185.
De Ligt, L. and S. Northwood (2008). People, Land, and Politics. Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC - AD 14. Leiden: Brill.
De Ligt, L. (1993). Fairs and Markets in the Roman Empire. Economic and Social Aspects of Periodic Trade in a pre-industrial society.. Amsterdam: Gieben.
De Ligt, L. (1991). ‘The Roman peasantry. Demand, supply, distribution between town and countryside, 2. Supply, distribution, and a comparative perspective’. MBAH 10.1: 33–77.
De Ligt, L. (1990). ‘Demand, supply, distribution. The Roman peasantry between town and countryside. Rural monetization and peasant demand’. MBAH 9.2: 24–56.