N. De Haan

De Haan, N. and K. Wallat (2023). Die Zentralthermen (Terme Centrali) in Pompeji. Archäologie eines Bauprojektes. Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome 71. Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
De Haan, N. and S. Mols (2012). Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Klassieke Oudheid. Zwolle: WBooks.
Flohr, M. and N. De Haan (2012). ‘Delos in de tweede eeuw v. Chr.: Panhelleens heiligdom en kosmopolitische vrijhaven’, in N. De Haan and S. Mols (eds), Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Klassieke Oudheid. Zwolle: WBooks, 186–197.
De Haan, N. and K. Wallat (2008). ‘Le Terme Centrali a Pompei: ricerche e scavi 2003-2006’, in M.-P. Guidobaldi and P.-G. Guzzo (eds), Nuove Ricerche Archeologiche nell'Area Vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 15–24.
De Haan, N. (2007). ‘Terme Romane. Tipologie tra uso e utilità’, in M. Guérin-Beauvois and J.-M. Martin (eds), Bains curatifs et bains hygiéniques en Italie de l'Antiquité au Moyen Âge. Rome: École Française de Rome, 37–51.
De Haan, N. and K. Wallat (2006). ‘The Water Supply of the Central Baths at Pompeii’, in G. Wiplinger (ed.), Cura Aquarum in Ephesus. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region, Ephesus/Selçuk, October 2-10, 2004. Leuven: Peeters, 417–422.
De Haan, N., C. Peterse, S. Piras and F. Schipper (2005). ‘The Casa degli Scienziati (VI 14, 43): Elite Architecture in Fourth-Century B.C. Pompeii’, in P.-G. Guzzo and M.-P. Guidobaldi (eds), Nuove ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano. Naples: Electa, 240–256.
De Haan, N. (2003). Review of Wikander, Ö., 'Handbook of Ancient Water Technology'. Bibliotheca Orientalis , 734–735.
De Haan, N. and G. Jansen (1996). Cura Aquarum in Campania. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region. Leuven: Peeters.